Friday, July 23, 2010

WTF are You Thinking Hydra?

"Hey guise, lets attack a much larger fleet with say the most spensive stuff in your hangar"
"Liek Macharielz?"
Something like that in Hydra Alliance chat I'm sure. But seriously, wtf? I had respect for these guys (sorta), and they go and pull this? Before you get all "LOL Ang slow down there bub", let me explain. If you are going to lose 20bn isk worth of ships you need to absolutely decimate the other person's fleet to make them not be able to accomplish their goals, not blow up a handful of their least expensive and insurable ships! Now of course Hydra is saying that they accomplished their goals and that was to have a blast. I almost spat up my lunch after reading that. I call BS! And do you want to know why? If hydra wanted to "have a blast" they would have gotten 300 rifters and attacked not thrown 20bn down the drain.
Now for those of you that say that Hydra can easily replace 20bn isk. Ya, sure they can. But they got their butts kicked needlessly and didn't even hurt UK and their butt buddies. And in doing so lost all of my respect, and the respect of any sensible eve pilot. Shame on you Hydra, shame on you.
(Oh ya join death race 2010 *\o/*)


  1. LOL Ang slow down there bub. Hardy Har Hydra fail. Agreed on the BS. I think they call that tactic "spin".

  2. Good to see you back to blogging again! I like the attitudz and hope it continues. LMAU!

  3. Ya, well they needed a reality check. I told you not to tell me to slow down, lmao. Btw ty for first comment!
