Friday, July 23, 2010


So as you all know my last blog really didn't work out for a couple different reasons. First was RL issues, I started it at a bad time and couldn't get to it often enough. Second was the format of it. It was a journal and sometimes nothing happens in eve so, thus, nothing to post about.
Well Wrath isn't a journal, well sort of at times, but what I am striving for is to post about whatever is happening in the sandbox. Whether it directly affects me or not, if its important, I will talk about it.
That brings me to my third point, you guys. If you find a topic interesting, please comment. Lots of what I will be posting will be as an editorial, so I think there will be a lot of opinions floating about. So please, please, please comment, and we will have a nice discussion. Oh ya and join join DEATH RACE 2010! *\o/*

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