Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Circle of Khan
So lots of people are talking about how Ushra'Khan exploded, and that they are "fine". Personally I am very happy to see that UK fell apart, remember now this is from an ex-UK pilot. Why do you ask? Because they helped in the demise of Providence? No, because they stopped standing for what they stood for. Used to be when you said "Cloaky Guerrilla warfare" you thought, USHRA KAHN!!! But since they turned into CVA that thought got farther and farther from the truth. When I say they turned into CVA I don't just mean in the sense that they owned providence, I mean that they screwed up on the RP side of things. U'K needs CVA to be holding Providence for U'K to be U'K. Without that they get a crappy role reversal, and thats why some of the best corps of U'K left, see Trust Doesn't Rust. And because of their poor choices and loss of face a UK diplo decided to pull the plug. Luckily for UK he didn't steal all of their stuff, and I am sure that what UK has become will live on. Which most certainly isn't the UK I used to love to hate.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Serious Business

From what I am hearing an internal traitor disbanded the alliance and made a complex deal with HYDRA RELOADED, so that while hydra isn't losing 20bn isk on Machariels they can own old UK stations. Yes, I know details are still kind of fuzzy, but I wanted to be the first to report on this "tragic" event. My opinionated post will be released later today once I get all of the facts straight.
UK will be forming under a new banner that hasn't been released yet to take back their old space. (LOL good luck grinding sov structures for the rest of the summer)
Friday, July 23, 2010
WTF are You Thinking Hydra?
"Hey guise, lets attack a much larger fleet with say the most spensive stuff in your hangar"
"Liek Macharielz?"
Something like that in Hydra Alliance chat I'm sure. But seriously, wtf? I had respect for these guys (sorta), and they go and pull this? Before you get all "LOL Ang slow down there bub", let me explain. If you are going to lose 20bn isk worth of ships you need to absolutely decimate the other person's fleet to make them not be able to accomplish their goals, not blow up a handful of their least expensive and insurable ships! Now of course Hydra is saying that they accomplished their goals and that was to have a blast. I almost spat up my lunch after reading that. I call BS! And do you want to know why? If hydra wanted to "have a blast" they would have gotten 300 rifters and attacked not thrown 20bn down the drain.
Now for those of you that say that Hydra can easily replace 20bn isk. Ya, sure they can. But they got their butts kicked needlessly and didn't even hurt UK and their butt buddies. And in doing so lost all of my respect, and the respect of any sensible eve pilot. Shame on you Hydra, shame on you.
(Oh ya join death race 2010 *\o/*)
So as you all know my last blog really didn't work out for a couple different reasons. First was RL issues, I started it at a bad time and couldn't get to it often enough. Second was the format of it. It was a journal and sometimes nothing happens in eve so, thus, nothing to post about.
Well Wrath isn't a journal, well sort of at times, but what I am striving for is to post about whatever is happening in the sandbox. Whether it directly affects me or not, if its important, I will talk about it.
That brings me to my third point, you guys. If you find a topic interesting, please comment. Lots of what I will be posting will be as an editorial, so I think there will be a lot of opinions floating about. So please, please, please comment, and we will have a nice discussion. Oh ya and join join DEATH RACE 2010! *\o/*
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